What is the scope of the survey study?

The survey study undertaken in the ENTRUSTED project will assess the current usage of secure SatCom services by respondents, and their potential interest in future GOVSATCOM services. The survey will focus on the following aspects:

  • users’ interests and needs regarding secure SatCom services in different fields of application, and regarding associated use cases, and
  • secure SatCom capabilities in use (in terms of user technology and services), planned and expected future technological trends.

Answers will be collected, analysed and processed to generate a set of consolidated user requirements. In addition, survey results will be compared with identified key and enabling secure SatCom technologies for the purpose of elaborating a long-term research and innovation roadmap and coordination plan (R&I roadmap).   

Respondents contributing to the survey will receive an aggregated and anonymised report presenting results at the end of the ENTRUSTED project. 

Whom is the survey addressed to?

This survey study targets all potential EU GOVSATCOM users entrusted with tasks relating to the supervision, management, and/or execution of security-critical missions, operations and infrastructures. The survey will serve collecting information from potential GOVSATCOM users: 

  • with little to no experience in the use of secure SatCom services, who would be interested in accessing them, and
  • experienced in the use of secure SatCom services, who are interested in guaranteed and more affordable access. 
Why will ENTRUSTED conduct a survey study addressed to potential EU GOVSATCOM users?

ENTRUSTED supports the development of the new component of the EU Space Programme, namely, the EU GOVSATCOM programme, by providing the user perspective. A dedicated survey research will be conducted by the ENTRUSTED Consortium with the aim to engage as many potential EU GOVSATCOM users as feasible. Survey will be used as a key tool for collecting user needs and related uses cases in the widespread consultations with users. Results of the survey study will inform the definition of a consolidated and prioritised set of user requirements regarding future EU GOVSATCOM services. User requirements will be used as an indispensable input towards:

  • the definition of the legislative framework (Implementing Acts), and
  • the development of a GOVSATCOM system infrastructure that meets the user requirements.
How to find out what is your Point of Contact?

Please use a contact form in the Survey section and you will be contacted with a relevant Point of Contact (PoC).

How will the survey be conducted?

Survey respondents will be approached by a national or institutional ENTRUSTED Point of Contact (PoC) with a request to complete a survey questionnaire. Respondents are asked to return the survey form via e-mail or by post to the assigned Point of Contact.

The questionnaire can also be downloaded from the ENTRUSTED website (in English only). Please use a contact form in the Survey section, and you will be contacted with a relevant PoC.

How to proceed in case of classified information?

The survey template is UNCLASSIFIED, however depending on the sensitivity of the answers, we may process the completed surveys as classified up to CONFIDENTIEL UE / EU CONFIDENTIAL, or the national equivalent level. Should this be the case, the assigned Point of Contact (PoC) will prepare adequate arrangements.

If the questionnaire has been downloaded from the ENTRUSTED website, please use a contact form in the Survey section to get in touch with us. And you will be contacted with a relevant PoC. 

When will the survey study start?

The survey study will be launched in April 2021, and answers will be collected over the next 3 months until the end of June 2021.